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Burapha University Chantaburi Campus

Welcome to the English for Business Communication
CHIT-CHAT online magazine.
You will find lots to discover about the Burapha University campus in Chantaburi, Thailand. Created by 3rd-year EBC students and launched on April 1, 2023, this online magazine showcases student work and shares information about the campus and student life.
We hope it serves to interest, entertain and educate!
News & Views
BEACH CLEANUPS The monsoon is bringing trash into the local beaches. Let's clean up Khung-wimarn beach. Ajarn Wut let us know that the Marine Tech dept is organizing periodic cleanups., most recently on Sat April 1st. Watch this space for future events!
Lots of talk online about how this technology is going to revolutionize the way we use the internet. Research? Easy. Translation? No problem. Conversation & FAQ? Even more natural and accurate than Chats of the past. Education? Great resource to learn almost anything. Best of all? Content Creation. Quote:
"Content creation: ChatGPT can be used to generate high-quality content, such as articles, blog posts, and social media posts.
This can be especially useful for companies or organizations that need to produce large volumes of content quickly and efficiently.."
BUT! Students need to remember that teachers give assignments to assess your thinking and learning - not what the technology can supply. Today, we all have access to an almost unlimited amount of information on almost any topic. But what's important is how we use that information to create our own original ideas. Use technology to support not replace your creativity and critical thinking.! Learn more about ChatGPT - go to
WHICH TECHNOLOGIES DO YOU USE? Which ones are the most useful?
Ride Share
-- Want to share a taxi into Chantaburi to Robinson's or Central Mall? Usually Saturdays.
-- Share ride to Bangkok - Wed or Thurs April 19 or 20
Help Wanted
PA - Personal Assistant Help disabled person with household chores, shopping, wheelchair, etc. Paid.
AA - Administration Assistant Office work, social media, data entry, and other admin tasks for nonprofit organization. Paid.

DON'T MISS IT - Click for more
See photos and videos of our
Sports Day and Party!

LINE chat

Thank you
for visiting!
Welcome visitors to our site. We are students at Burapha University's Chanthaburi Campus. We would like to thank you for visiting our online magazine website.
We welcome submissions and suggestions. Please feel free to share this site. It serves as promotion and support for us. Your visit gives us more encouragement and determination to organize activities on campus and reach out to the world..
BUU Chanthaburi